Disinfection of agriculture


the way to:



animal breeding


W hodowli zwierząt istotne znaczenie ma ochrona stada przed chorobami. Skutki zakażeń w produkcji bywają kosztowne i trudne do zwalczenia...

Therefore, disinfection of production facilities, prevention of the formation and spread of diseases, as well as in the event of their occurrence, rapid and effective control is so important.

In the field of disinfection in production facilities we have many years of experience. Thanks to the devices we have designed, our customers effectively fight bacteria, fungi and viruses in their facilities, including those that cause African swine fever, avian influenza or skin-kidney syndrome. By choosing the method and the biocidal agent accordingly, thanks to our devices you can carry out preventive, current and final disinfection on your own.

For many years, the equipment has been helping to maintain the sanitary regime in the production of pigs, poultry, fur animals and cattle. They also help to eliminate odour nuisances, which are an integral part of the production process.

Growing plants


amgławianie roślin jest jednym z popularnych sposobów aplikacji środków ochrony roślin. Technika ta pozwala na użycie niewielkiej ilości środka i polega na rozpyleniu go przy użyciu urządzeń zamgławiających serii e- PRO Turbo...

Thanks to such an application, we achieve great savings in expensive protection measures, excellent dispersion and penetration of working fog, and a significant reduction in treatment time compared to traditional spraying. Importantly, during the procedure in a minged object does not need, and even should not be, the operator of the ming machine. Protect your health, choose a machine from the e-PRO Turbo series.

  • Pest protection
  • Protection against fungal diseases and mold
  • Folial feeding
  • Improving the microclimate


animal breeding


Hodując bydło, trzodę chlewną, drób czy zwierzęta futerkowe hodowca musi być przygotowany na fakt, że w jakimś momencie pojawią się w pomieszczeniach niechciane owady. W takich wypadkach konieczna jest szybka reakcja, by zapobiec narastaniu problemu...

Companies engaged in services disinfestation procedures do not always have free deadlines, and the cost of providing such a service is high, especially with a large severity of the pest.

Then the machine comes to the rescue, which with the use of the right means, in a fully professional way, we can independently carry out the disinfection procedure. For this purpose, we recommend one of the 4 types of mistachers, description and range of devices can be found by clicking on the photo of the device or by going to the “Products” tab.In addition, with the help of these machines, it is possible to effectively carry out the procedure of removing odour nuisances, which are a natural component of the breeding process. Complaining neighbors? Checks from sanpeid? You can avoid this by carrying out the appropriate treatment. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the details of the offer.

Growing plants

plant protection

W ochronie roślin szklarniowych szczególne znaczenie ma wysoka skuteczność zabiegów, bowiem nawet niewielkie nasilenie szkodnika czy choroby może znacznie obniżyć ich walory dekoracyjne czy smakowe, a tym samym wartość użytkową oraz doprowadzić do znacznych strat spowodowanych zniszczeniem upraw...

Failures in chemical protection are most often caused by the lack of contact of the preparation with the pest.

When using chemicals by spraying, the liquid stream mainly covers the top parts of plants, while many pests prey in places directly inaccessible to the preparations used, such as the underside of the leaf, the inside of flower buds and flowers, or in hard-to-reach construction sites of the room.Eko-MET-designed mists protect plants, greenhouses and foil tunnels by means of dry mist diffusion. Fine fog made from a protective preparation floats in the air for up to 18 hours, which allows for effective treatment in long contact with the pathogen.

animal breeding


Za pomocą wytwornic suchej mgły i systemów e-FOG możemy przeprowadzać zabiegi biohigienizacji. Są to zabiegi zmierzające do objęcia kontrolą biologiczną drobnoustrojów chorobotwórczych poprzez wysycenie przestrzeni zawiesiną mgły wodnej z preparatami czynnymi biologicznie...

On livestock farms (especially on a large scale), biohygienesis allows the herd to maintain an appropriate level of health and control the pathogens present on the holding. It creates a sanitary barrier around animals.

Growing plants

Advantages of

1. Bezpieczna praca - środki ochrony roślin nie są obojętne dla zdrowia człowieka. Podczas zamgławiania zamgławiaczami serii e-PRO Turbo cały proces prowadzony jest w zamkniętym pomieszczeniu bez udziału operatora maszyny. Timer pozwala na zaprogramowanie odpowiedniego czasu zabiegu...

2. No visible residues

Plant protection products leave visible or invisible residues (on fruit, flowers or leaves) on the crop which reduce their value and aesthetic value.For food crops, there is a legal standard (PIORiN: PPE residues) which speaks of the permissible amount of residues of protection products on food crops. This standard ensures that consumers do not consume harmful amounts of toxic substances with their plants. That is why it is so important to minimise these residues. The advantage of is that it leaves little or no visible residue compared to traditional spraying.

3. Minimize effort

Another advantage of is the ability to distribute funds in a relatively short time, over a large area. During the flashing process, the drops “soar” into the fan-assisted space of the e-PRO Turbo series. They float in the air for a long time, ensuring effective penetration of the agent.Many gliding in the droplet space, allows you to better cover not only the surface.The absence of the need to enter every avenue and under every roof, makes plant protection activities require less work than with spraying. The ability to program the working time of the misting machine also allows you to perform an effective procedure at a time when the operator is engaged in other work.

4. Reduced water consumption

Relatively little water is used when, if compared with spraying. Water is the carrier of the preparation used. Since little water is used for, the crop quickly dried, which significantly reduces the risk of fungi attacking plants.